I Think Therefore I Am

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A world of contradictions

People who seem to know me(and there are not many who can lay claims to knowing the real Me) have been wondering about my blog title and the blog link for a long time..Why is my blog linked as "musings-of-a-nerd" when I neither muse nor am a nerd?? The dictionary meaning of "musings" goes as "contemplative,meditation"..My musings are as thoughtfully progressive as Pope's views on Islam and Jihad(read more at http://greatbong.net)..and I'm as close to being a nerd as "hamre" Laloo Prasad Yadav is close to comprehending what IT means(Remember when he was asked when he was de-facto CM of Bihar, one journalist made the mistake of asking him his views on Information Technology..and his reply was why this hoo-ha about IT..all he knew about IT was it stood for was Income Tax..and he was good at (evading) IT!!)

My blog title goes as "I Think therefore I Am", when in reality I never think,and on the rarest of occassions if and when I do,I still am not!!Or even if I am, I still dont think.The farthest my thought process goes is whether I should go to sleep at 10 pm or 10:01 pm..and mind you, this decision is not as easy and evident as it seems to be.
Readers must have this notion from my blogposts of me being a crazy asshole, which I am not..I'm a f&*(ing normal idiot,just like any other shit in the world.

Guess,this is enough musings for the day from a wannabe nerd..I need to go to sleep to think..so Sweet dreams, gud nite..enjoy maadi.


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