I Think Therefore I Am

Monday, June 20, 2005

My Father...Best!!

It's Father's Day today!!Jolly ho..it's been a long time( 3 days as long as I remember) since I last talked to Papa..Hope this will be reason enuff to call him again..

My Dad..He's the best I can hope for..(One of the few things for which I can thank God profusely is for my family)..Providing the best possible education that can be provided..imbibing in me his principles and values..being a mental pillar of support when I most needed it in my times of tribulations..

I really pride myself for being his able son..He has held all the high positions that are of esteem in the government..but still there is not a hint of arrogance or haughtiness..He has received threats on his life(and our family) for not being corrupt..but still he has weathered the same with utmost calm and patience..not willing to bow down to the whims of the high and the almighty...I sometimes wonder how!!

While my mother was battling cancer, one could his steely resolve..That was a really testing time..me and my twin brother ready to go to college (That was the first time I would be away from the comforts of my cosy home)..and all my sisters settled with their respective families.I still remember him making to and fro journies to Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai to have Mummy checked regularly..

I think God wanted to test him further..That was when Mummy left us all..That was the first time I saw Papa crying..I still remember what he told me "Sorry beta, I couldn't save your mummy"..I just couldn't control myself..But that incident, I feel has left him slightly shattered..

I really pity myself now that I'm self independent..But still I can't have my Dad with me..To earn my bread and butter, here I am in the City of Nawabs..sitting in front of my PC for 12 hours a day(even in the weekends)..leaving home early at 8:30 am(to be ONTIME..thats another god-damn initiative in my esteemd company)..and returning by 8 in the nite..What precious time can I spend with my dad even if he's here with me??

Lots of senti and emotional stuff for today..Guess I'll better call Papa and wish him..

Make sure you do too!!

Good night!!Cheers!!


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